Gost Apparition Control Unit with Security, Gost Watch

GOST Apparition Interactive Touch Screen 5"
Wireless Expansion Module
2 GOST GP-KF25 (Key Fob Remotes)
1 NEW GP-MSWR (Wireless Water Resistant Digital PIR Motion Detector with Anti-masking)
2 GMM-DC (Door/Hatch Contact)
2 GDC-EXT-WG (Extension Sensors)
1 GMM-IP67-HWS (High Water Sensor)
1 GMM-IP67-LVS (Low Voltage Sensor)
1 GP-SD (Smoke Detector)
1 GMM-RLY-Z1 (Relay)
1 GA-Mini-Siren (Siren)
1 G4G-LTE-WiFi-Octo-Deuce (16 LTE Band Rugged M2M Data Communicator with built in Wi-Fi & 5 port switch)
1 GWHD-IVR-4TB (4 Terabyte hard drive)
2 New GOST-Mini-Ball-1080p-W (Wide Angle Security Camera)
2 GWHD-Siamese-50 (50 foot Plug & Play Cable for cameras)
Required(Not Included):
1 SIM Card with 3G/4G Data Plan
Optional Upgrade:
Upgrade to the GAP-TSK7: 7" Touch Screen [No extra cost]
- Brand: GOST